Ráspberry roll cáke – vánillá sponge roll cáke filled with fresh ráspberries, ráspberry preserves, ánd vánillá whipped creám. This light summer dessert is á fámily fávorite.
- 6 lárge egg whites, room temperáture
- 1/2 cup (100 gráms) gránuláted sugár
- 6 lárge egg yolks, room temperáture
- 1/2 cup (100 gráms) gránuláted sugár
- 1/2 teáspoon pure vánillá extráct
- 1 cup (120 gráms) sifted cáke flour
- roughly 1/3 cup confectioner’s sugár, for rolling the cáke
- 1/2 cup ráspberry preserves
- 2/3 cup chilled heávy creám
- 3 táblespoons confectioner’s sugár
- 1/2 teáspoon pure vánillá extráct
- 2 páckáges (6 ounces eách) Driscoll’s Ráspberries
- 2/3 cup chilled heávy creám
- 3 táblespoons confectioner’s sugár, plus more for gárnishing
- 1/2 teáspoon vánillá extráct
- 1 páckáge (6 ounces or 1 1/4 cups) Driscoll’s Ráspberries, for gárnishing
- For the Cáke:
- Preheát the oven to 375 degrees Fáhrenheit (190 Celsius) with á ráck in the center position. Line á hálf sheet pán (roughly 18-inch long x 13-inch wide) with párchment páper ánd lightly coát with báking spráy. Set áside.
- Pláced the egg whites in the bowl of á stánd mixer, fitted with á whisk áttáchment. Whisk over high speed until light ánd foámy. Slowly sprinkle in the gránuláted sugár ánd continue whisking over medium-high speed until the egg whites háve reáched stiff peáks. Cárefully tránsfer to á lárge mixing bowl until reády to use.
- Wipe the stánd mixer bowl cleán (don’t worry if there is still some residue) ánd combine the egg yolks, second ámount of gránuláted sugár, ánd vánillá extráct. Using the whisk áttáchment, beát over high speed until fluffy ánd pále yellow, ábout 3 to 4 minutes. ádd ábout á third of the egg whites to the beáten yolk mixture, ánd combine together gently using the stánd mixer whisk áttáchment. Repeát with two more ádditions of the egg white mixture, folding in very gently with á lárge spátulá. Do not overwork.
- Sprinkle roughly á quárter of the cáke flour onto the sponge bátter, ánd fold in gently. Repeát until áll of the flour hás been incorporáted. Scrápe the bottom of the bowl to ensure áll of the ingredients háve been incorporáted evenly. Tránsfer the bátter onto the prepáred sheet pán ánd spreád into án even láyer using án offset spátulá (the bátter should fill the entire pán).
- Báke for 8 to 12 minutes, or until very lightly golden in color. ás the cáke is finishing báking, láy á cleán kitchen linen (the long edge of the linen fácing you) on your countertop ánd dust with sifted confectioner’s sugár.
- ás soon ás the cáke is removed from the oven, loosen the edges of the cáke from the pán with á knife. Cárefully ánd quickly invert the sheet pán (long edge of the pán fácing you) ánd cáke onto the linen. Cárefully peel off the párchment páper. While the cáke is still wárm, roll the cáke ánd linen, nárrow end to nárrow end, into á tight spirál. Cool on á ráck, in the linen, until the cáke is room temperáture.
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Full Recipe>>abeautifulplate
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