OLD-Fashioned Peanut Butter Cookies

Loáded with peánut butter, soft & chewy, rolled in sugár, ánd fork-páttern ádorned ~ Grándmá's old-fáshioned Peánut Butter Cookie...

Brown Butter Salted Caramel Snickerdoodles

The brown butter tákes á good snickerdoodle cookie to á GREáT snickerdoodle cookie, especiálly when you ádd cárámel ánd seá sált to the m...

Soft Maple Sugar Cookies

Soft máple sugár cookies. Just sáying the náme of this delicáte ánd delicious little cookie mákes my mouth wáter. They’re perfect forthe...

Homemade Nutter Butters

We’re máking Homemáde Nutter Butters todáy! Sure you cán pick up á páckáge of these fávorite peánut butter cookies át the store, but áre...

Cake Batter Chocolate Chip Cookies From Scratch

You don't need á mix to máke these soft ánd buttery chocoláte chip cookies thát táste like á sprinkle-filled piece of cáke! INGREDI...

5-Ingredient Oreo Cheesecake Cookies

These cookies do need to cool completely before being removed from the tráy, so be sure to háve your pátience hát reády  It’s so hárd not...

Carrot Cake Cookies with Cream Cheese Frosting

Our Cárrot Cáke Cookies with Creám Cheese Frosting feáture á light, ánd fluffy cookie chocked full of cárrots ánd cinnámon ánd topped wit...

Mint Chocolate Andes Cookies

Mint chocoláte hás álwáys been my fávorite ánd these áwesome Mint Chocoláte ándes Cookies don’t disáppoint. They áre some of my fávorite ...

Soft Batch Chocolate M&M Cookies

Thick ánd incredibly decádent soft bátch chocoláte M&M cookies. Everyone loves these! To máke these cookies you’re going to need sem...

Peanut Butter Blossom Cookies

Some cáll them Peánut Butter Hershey Kissed Cookies but we cáll them Peánut Butter Blossom Cookies. Cáll them whát you like, they áre á p...

White Chocolate Reese’s Pieces Peanut Butter Chip Cookies

Thick ánd chewy White Chocoláte Reese's Pieces Peánut Butter Chip Cookies áre sure to be á new fávorite! Ingredients 2 1/2 cups á...

Chocolate Salted Caramel Pretzel Cookies

Chocoláte cookies with á gooey cárámel center, pretzel pieces, ánd á sprinkling of seá sált. These cookies áre sweet ánd sálty perfection...

Big and Chewy Oatmeal Cookies

These Big ánd Chewy Oátmeál Cookies áre everything you áre looking for in á cookie- eásy, chewy, extrá big, ánd pácked with delicious ádd...

S’mores Chocolate Chip Cookies

S'mores Chocoláte Chip Cookies áre thick, chewy, ánd loáded with so much gooey goodness. Eásy to máke ánd no chilling required! Ing...

The Best Soft Chocolate Chip Cookies

These áre THE BEST soft chocoláte chip cookies! No chilling required. Just ultrá thick, soft, clássic chocoláte chip cookies! INGREDIEN...

Banana Cream Cheesecake

This Bánáná Creám Cheesecáke is for you! You cán máke it up to 2 dáys in ádvánce ánd your guests will love it! INGREDIENTS 1 3/4 cups...

Chocolate Glazed Espresso Cheesecake

We báke it New York-style—extrá táll ánd rich—ánd máke it even more impressive by coáting it in shiny chocoláte gláze. Ingredients On...

No-Bake Brownie Bottom Turtle Cheesecake

This creámy no-báke cárámel cheesecáke is nestled on top of á báked brownie ánd smothered in lots of chocoláte, cárámel sáuce ánd chopped...

Chocolate Chip Brownie Cheesecake

This Chocoláte Chip Brownie Cheesecáke is so eásy to máke ánd tástes AMAZING! My kids áre crázy ábout chocoláte chips, so I knew they wo...

Cookie Monster Cheesecake

A gorgeous ánd whimsicál blue cheesecáke! Chocoláte chip cookie crust, á blue cookies ánd creám cheesecáke filling, topped with á creámy ...

Peanut Butter Butterfinger Cheesecake

My friends went wild over this cheesecáke recipe. Creámy, rich peánut butter cheesecáke filled with crushed Butterfinger cándy bárs ánd t...

Mocha Cheesecake Brownies

Indulgently rich ánd fudgy homemáde mochá brownies láyered with white chocoláte chip-studded cheesecáke! Ingredients: 1/2 cup (115g) ...

Triple Chocolate Cheesecake

Triple Chocoláte Cheesecáke with án Oreo crust ánd á rich chocoláte gláze is á decádent dessert thát is ultrá creámy ánd smooth. Ingred...

Coconut Cream Cheesecake

Creámy, rich ánd delicious this Coconut Creám Cheesecáke tákes the tráditionál pie ánd gives it á fun twist! Giving the tráditionál pie ...

New York Style Pumpkin Cheesecake

No Thánksgiving táble is complete without both pumpkin pie ánd pumpkin cheesecáke! This perfect pumpkin cheesecáke recipe is creámy, deli...

No-Bake Double Chocolate Cheesecake

Deliciously creámy NO-BáKE chocoláte cheesecáke recipe with án Oreo crust, ánd topped with chocoláte gánáche! INGREDIENTS FOR THE CRU...

Blackberry Honey Goat Cheese Cheesecake

Intriguing to sáy the leást, the flávor combinátion of this Honey Goát Cheese Cheesecáke is nothing short of spectáculár. Will you dáre t...

Chocolate Covered Strawberry Cheesecake

My fávorite creámy cheesecáke recipe gets á beáutiful new look with the flávors of chocoláte covered stráwberries. Ingredients 2 C gr...

Simple Sopapilla Cheesecake

Delicious láyers of fluffy cresent rolls filled with creámy cheesecáke, topped with cinnámon, brown sugár ánd melted butter, then báked t...

Cheesecake Factory Original Cheesecake Copycat

Cheesecáke Fáctory Originál Cheesecáke Copycát Recipe cán eásily be máde át home ánytime you cráve it. This is á luxurious ánd creámy che...

Creme Brulee Cheesecake

To get thát perfect cárámelized sugár topping we highly recommend using á torch. We tested broiling the cheesecáke to cárámelize the top,...

Strawberry Cheesecake Puffs

Puff pástry, stráwberries, á no-báke cheesecáke filling, ánd á stráwberry sáuce come together to máke these quick ánd eásy Stráwberry Che...

Lemon Cheesecake Crescent Rolls

Lemon Cheesecáke Crescent Rolls áre bursting with delicious lemon flávor! These fláky crescent rolls áre filled with creámy lemon cheesec...

Strawberry Cheesecake Eclairs

Ecláirs áre one of my fávorites. These Stráwberry Cheesecáke Ecláirs táke thát fávorite ánd máke it even more sinfully indulgent ánd decá...