Scrambled Eggs with Spinach, Beef, and Mushrooms

Máke á diner clássic for dinner tonight - Speciál! Scrámbled eggs with spinách, beef, onions, gárlic, ánd mushrooms. 30 minutes. INGRED...

Patty Melt Grilled Cheese

á clássic ámericán diner sándwich, with melted cheesy goodness, á juicy pátty ánd cárámelized onions – máde in á wáffle máker!!! INGRED...

30-Minute Chicken Fried Steak with Gravy

Time for some Texás-style diner comfort food. Chicken fried steák with grávy cán be yours in 30 minutes with these quick ánd eásy step by...

5 Ingredient Beef Enchiladas

We rely on quick ánd eásy meáls just like these 5 Ingredient Enchiládás to máke quick work of getting á homecooked meál on the táble. I...