Scrambled Eggs with Spinach, Beef, and Mushrooms

Máke á diner clássic for dinner tonight - Speciál! Scrámbled eggs with spinách, beef, onions, gárlic, ánd mushrooms. 30 minutes. INGRED...

Patty Melt Grilled Cheese

á clássic ámericán diner sándwich, with melted cheesy goodness, á juicy pátty ánd cárámelized onions – máde in á wáffle máker!!! INGRED...

30-Minute Chicken Fried Steak with Gravy

Time for some Texás-style diner comfort food. Chicken fried steák with grávy cán be yours in 30 minutes with these quick ánd eásy step by...

5 Ingredient Beef Enchiladas

We rely on quick ánd eásy meáls just like these 5 Ingredient Enchiládás to máke quick work of getting á homecooked meál on the táble. I...

Easy Instant Pot Round Steak & Gravy

Thìs recìpe ìs best served on top of creámy máshed potátoes ánd wìth buttery corn. You cán álso use rìce or egg noodles. But ìn my opìnìo...

Instant Pot Tuscan Chicken Pasta

Instánt Pot Tuscán Chìcken Pástá ìs very eásy to máke, creámy ánd delìcìous wìth perfect juìcy chìcken, sun drìed tomátoes ánd spìnách. ...

Instant Pot Cashew Chicken: Whole30, Paleo, 30 Minutes

This instánt pot cáshew chicken tástes like the fámiliár Chinese tákeout we áll love, but in á better-for-you, Whole30, Páleo, gluten-fre...

Fiesta Chicken Casserole

Fìestá chìcken cásserole ìs fìlled wìth chunks of chìcken, tender pástá, corn, bláck beáns, áll ìn á one dìsh cheesy chìcken cásserole. S...

Healthy Bruschetta Chìcken

Heálthy Bruschettá Chìcken contáìns mány of the flávors you love from trádìtìonál bruschettá but now you cán enjoy ìt for dìnner! Fresh ì...

Slow Cooker Honey Teriyaki Chicken

Despite being á máll regulár, I álwáys debáted between choosing the oversized pizzá slice or sticky-sweet chicken teriyáki. Chicken teriy...

Country French Skillet Chicken

You cán never háve too mány chicken recipes, so here’s ánother one for your recipe box. You will wánt to máke it ágáin ánd ágáin! Ingre...

Creamy Tuscan Chicken Recipe

Creámy Tuscán Chicken – One pot, 30-minute dinner máde with juicy seáred chicken breásts served in á rich ánd creámy sáuce chock full of ...

Chicken and Rice Casserole

This simple Chicken ánd Rice Cásserole only tákes á few ingredients ánd it bákes in 15 minutes or less. It’s creámy ánd cheese ánd á reci...

Soft Batch Christmas Sprinkle Cookies

Soft Bátch Christmás Sprinkle Cookies áre á super eásy holidáy sugár cookie - no rolling the dough required! Pácked with red ánd green sp...

Glazed Cream Cheese Lemon Cookies

The ultimáte soft ánd chewy creám cheese lemon cookie máde with lemon zest ánd fresh squeezed lemon juice. These cookies háve plenty of l...

Raspberry Almond Shortbread Cookies

I’ve been so excited ábout posting this ráspberry álmond shortbreád cookies recipe becáuse it’s hánds-down my fávorite recipe of the yeár...

Mint Chips and Chocolate Chips

Big, soft cookies filled with ándes Mint Cándies, Mint Chips ánd Chocoláte Chips. Mint ánd chocoláte in every delicious bite! No chill ti...

Condensed Milk Chocolate Chip Cookies

These Condensed Milk Chocoláte Chip Cookies táste like á shortbreád cookie crossed with á chocoláte chip cookie.  This recipe is á greát ...

S’Mores Stuffed Cookies

S’mores cookies áre á delicious twist on your fávorite cámpfire treát! These cookies áre soft ánd chewy, filled with gráhám cráckers ánd ...

Monster Cinnamon Roll Cookies

Lárge cáke-like cookies, swirled with cinnámon, sugár, ánd butter.  Like á cinnámon roll, but is á cookie!  ádápted from Esther Brody'...

Resep kakap merah crispy asam manis

Báhán : 2 ekor ikán kákáp meráh fillet 3 siung Báwáng putih 1/2 buáh báwáng bombáy Mericá, gulá, gárám secukupnyá  Sáos secukupnyá...

Resep Omelet Sayuran (menu diet)

Báhán : Telur Sáyurán wortel kol tomát báwáng putih báwáng bombáy cábe kentáng dáun báwáng Gárám, penyedáp rásá, káláu ádá s...

Resep Ramen Seafood Ala Rumahan

Pengen rámen tápi sulit yáng cocok dengán selerá, káli ini sáyá ákán memberikán tips membuát rámen seáfood yáng sederháná, berikut cárány...