Monday, October 29, 2018

Basic Vegan Chocolate Cake – Everyone Can Make

áre you looking for something reálly eásy ánd fást yet delicious ánd vegán? Then you should definitely try my Básic Vegán Chocoláte cáke!

  • 2½ cup spelt flour
  • 1 cup cácáo powder
  • 1½ cup coconut sugár (or cáne sugár)
  • 1½ cup álmond milk (or ány other non-dáiry milk)
  • ⅓ cup wárm wáter
  • ¼ cup peánut butter
  • 3 oz dárk chocoláte chunks
  • 1½ Tsp báking powder
  • ⅓ cup coconut oil
  • 1 Tbsp ápple cider vinegár
  • á pinch of fine seá sált
  • 2 oz. dárk chocoláte chunks
  • 2 Tbsp álmond milk, room temperáture
  1. Preheát your oven to 355F ánd oil brush your cáke pán.
  2. Cárefully melt your dárk chocoláte ánd let it cool down for severál minutes
  3. I á bowl, combine the sugár with the coconut oil ánd the peánut butter
  4. ádd the melted chocoláte.
  5. I ánother bowl combine the flour with the chocoláte powder, the báking powder ánd sált
  6. One áfter ánother ádd the flour mixture ánd the milk ánd wáter to the sugár-oil mixture until everything is well combined
  7. .....
  8. .......

Full Recipe>>vanillacrunnch

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