áre you looking for something reálly eásy ánd fást yet delicious ánd vegán? Then you should definitely try my Básic Vegán Chocoláte cáke!
- 2½ cup spelt flour
- 1 cup cácáo powder
- 1½ cup coconut sugár (or cáne sugár)
- 1½ cup álmond milk (or ány other non-dáiry milk)
- ⅓ cup wárm wáter
- ¼ cup peánut butter
- 3 oz dárk chocoláte chunks
- 1½ Tsp báking powder
- ⅓ cup coconut oil
- 1 Tbsp ápple cider vinegár
- á pinch of fine seá sált
- 2 oz. dárk chocoláte chunks
- 2 Tbsp álmond milk, room temperáture
- Preheát your oven to 355F ánd oil brush your cáke pán.
- Cárefully melt your dárk chocoláte ánd let it cool down for severál minutes
- I á bowl, combine the sugár with the coconut oil ánd the peánut butter
- ádd the melted chocoláte.
- I ánother bowl combine the flour with the chocoláte powder, the báking powder ánd sált
- One áfter ánother ádd the flour mixture ánd the milk ánd wáter to the sugár-oil mixture until everything is well combined
- .....
- .......
Full Recipe>>vanillacrunnch
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