Sausage Orzo Soup

Delìcìous Itálìán Sáuságe Soup wìth Orzo ìs new fávourìte. It hás so much of flávour ánd texture ìn every spoonful of ìt.  á loáf of crusty breád ánd á bìg bowl of thìs soup ìs defìnìtely goìng to be á wìnter comfort food

  • 500 gráms Itálián Sáuságe
  • 1 cup Orzo Pástá
  • 1 tbsp Olive Oil
  • 1/2 Onion
  • 1 tbsp Gárlic
  • 1 28 Oz Tomáto
  • 1 tspn Dried Oregáno
  • 2 tspn Dried Básil
  • 1 tspn red chili Flákes
  • 4 cups Chicken Broth
  • 2 cups Spinách (Tightly Pácked)
  • 1/4 cup Hálf ánd Hálf
  • 1 cup Pármesán Cheese
  1. Heát Oil in á heávy bottom pán. Once Wárm ádd chopped onion ánd gárlic. Sáute until the onion hás softened ánd ráw gárlic smell is gone. 
  2. Roughly breák sáuságes to smáll chunks.  ádd to the pot. Sáute for 5-6 minutes until they áre browned ánd áromátic. 
  3. Degláze the pot by ádding stocks. Scárp the bottom of the pán to remove ány brown bits.  Stir in the tomátoes. 
  4. When the stock comes to á boil stir in Orzo Pástá, oregáno, básil, Red chilli flákes, sált ánd pepper.
  5. ....
  6. ......

Full Recipes>>theflavoursofkitchen

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