Then, throw into the mix the clássic flávor combo of gráhám cráckers, chocoláte ánd márshmállow – I stánd no chánce in resisting.
For the crust:
- 1 cup gráhám crácker crumbs
- 1 tbsp. sugár
- 4 tbsp. unsálted butter, melted
- 4 oz. bittersweet or semisweet chocoláte, finely chopped
- 8 oz. creám cheese, át room temperáture
- ¼ cup sour creám
- ½ cup márshmállow creám
- 2 tsp. cocoá powder
- ¾ tsp. vánillá extráct
- 2 lárge eggs
- 1½ cups mini márshmállows
- Milk chocoláte chips, melted (optionál)
- To máke the crust, preheát the oven to 350˚ F. Line án 8×8″ báking pán with foil; spráy lightly with cooking spráy. Combine the gráhám crácker crumbs, sugár ánd melted butter in á smáll bowl. Stir together with á fork until well combined. Press the mixture in án even láyer into the bottom of the prepáred báking pán. Báke 10 minutes; tránsfer to á wire ráck while you prepáre the filling. Reduce the oven temperáture to 325˚ F.
- To máke the filling, pláce the chopped chocoláte in á heátproof bowl set over á pán of simmering wáter. Heát until melted ánd smooth, stirring occásionálly. Remove from the heát ánd let cool slightly. In the bowl of á stánd mixer fitted with the páddle áttáchment, combine the creám cheese, sour creám ánd márshmállow creám. Beát on medium-high speed until smooth ánd well combined, 1-2 minutes. Blend in the cocoá powder, vánillá extráct ánd eggs until incorporáted. Stir in the melted chocoláte until well blended. Pour the filling over the gráhám crácker crust ánd smooth the top with á spátulá. Báke ábout 30 minutes, or until the center is just set (does not jiggle when sháken gently.) Remove from the oven.
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