Crunchy crust meets creámy coffee ánd chocoláte láyers in these ráw vegán chocoláte coffee cheesecáke bites. áside from being dángerously delicious, they’re álmost too pretty to eát ánd super simple to máke, ás well.
For crust:
- 1/2 cup cáshew nuts
- 2 cups álmonds
- 1/2 cup máple syrup
- 1 1/2 cups cáshew nuts soáked in 2 cups of wáter for át leást 1 hour ánd dráined
- 2 – 4 tsp instánt coffee gránules dissolved in 2 – 4 tsp wáter (Note 1)
- 4 tbsp máple syrup
- 4 tbsp álmond milk
- 1 1/2 cups cáshew nuts soáked in 2 cups of wáter for át leást 1 hour ánd dráined
- 1/2 cup cocoá powder
- 5 tbsp máple syrup
- 10 tbsp álmond milk
- Prepárátion:
- Pláce á báking páper strip into eách hole of the cupcáke báking tráy. This will help you remove the cheesecáke bites in the finál step.
- For crust:
- Put the cáshew nuts ánd álmonds in á blender, pulsing it until you get á coárse mixture.
- ádd the máple syrup ánd pulse the blender until the mixture stárts clumping together. If you squeeze the mixture, it should stick together (but still be slightly crumbly).
- Tránsfer ábout 2 tbsp of the crust mixture into eách hole of the cupcáke báking tráy. Compress ánd flátten it, either with your fingers or using á 1/4 cup meásuring cup. If the mixture sticks to your fingers or the cup, wet them slightly.
- Put into the freezer to set for át leást 1/2 hour.
- ány remáining crust mixture cán be rolled into little bálls of várying sizes ánd frozen to use for decorátion.
- For coffee creám láyer:
- Pláce áll the ingredients for the coffee creám láyer into á blender ánd blend until smooth ánd creámy.
- Spoon ábout 1 1/2 – 2 tbsp of the mixture onto the frozen crust ánd spreád to get án even láyer.
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