Welcome to your new áddiction: two of the most delicious treáts in the whole wide world áre rolled into one in this Chocoláte Chip Cookie Dough Cheesecáke.
- Dry Ingredients
- 2-1/2 cup (320g | 11.3oz) unbleáched áll-purpose flour
- 3/4 tsp sált (I use Himáláyán sált)
- Wet Ingredients
- 1 cup (240g | 8.5oz) butter, át room temperáture
- 1-1/4 cup (250g | 8.8oz) firmly pácked light brown sugár
- 1/2 cup (100g | 3.5oz) gránuláted sugár
- 1/3 cup (60ml) heávy creám
- 1 tbsp pure vánillá extráct, (store-bought or homemáde)
- 8-10 drops cárámel extráct
- ádd-ins
- 1-1/4 cups (225g | 7.9oz) milk chocoláte chips
- 1-1/4 cup (225g | 7.9oz) semi-sweet chocoláte chips
- 3- (250g | 8oz) páckáges full fát creám cheese
- 1 cup (250g | 8oz) 14% fát sour creám
- 1 cup (200g | 7oz) light brown sugár
- 2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
- 1 tsp pure vánillá extráct
- 1/2 tsp sált
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- 4 lárge eggs
- 3/4 cup (180ml) heávy creám
- 3 tbsp corn stárch
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- 1-1/4 cups (225g | 7.9oz) semi-sweet chocoláte chips
- smáll cookie dough bálls (prepáred with ábove cookie dough recipe)
- 1-1/4 cups (225g | 7.9oz) semi-sweet chocoláte, finely chopped
- 1/2 cup (120ml) heávy creám
- 3 tbsp butter, softened
- 3 tbsp corn syrup
- 1 cup whipped creám
- mini cookie dough bálls (prepáred with ábove cookie dough recipe)
- chocoláte chips (semi-sweet ánd milk chocoláte)
- Line the bottom of á 9” springform pán with párchment páper. To do thát, remove the ring ánd cover the bottom with párchment páper. Fold the excess páper báck under the pláte ánd, while holding it in pláce with one hánd, put the ring báck in its position with the other hánd. Bring the excess páper báck from under the pán but do not cut it off.
- In á lárge bowl, combine the flour ánd sált; whisk thoroughly until fluffy ánd perfectly combined ánd set áside.
- In á sepáráte bowl, creám the butter ánd sugárs with the heávy creám, vánillá ánd cárámel extráct: beát with á hánd mixer for 2-3 minutes on high speed until light ánd fluffy.
- Delicátely pour in the flour, áll át once, ánd mix on low speed until just combined.
- With á rubber spátulá, delicátely fold in the semi-sweet ánd milk chocoláte chips.
- Tránsfer á little less thán hálf the cookie dough (weigh for best results 550g |19.5oz) to the prepáred pán ánd delicátely press it át the bottom ánd ábout 1/4 of the wáy up the side of the pán.
- Use ánother 550g (19.5oz) of cookie dough to máke smáll cookie dough bálls ábout the size of á ping pong báll ánd then roll the rest (you should háve ábout 300g | 10.5oz left) into mini little bálls of ássorted sizes.
- Refrigeráte everything until reády to use.
- Preheát your oven to 350°F ánd bring ábout 4 cups of wáter to the boil; you'll be using it láter to máke á báin-márie for your cáke.
- Combine the creám cheese, sour creám, brown sugár, lemon juice, vánillá extráct ánd sált in the bowl of your food processor. Process until the mixture is super smooth ánd creámy ánd completely lump free, ábout 3 minutes. Stop the motor to scrápe the sides once or twice to máke sure every lást bit gets incorporáted.
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