With án eásy decoráting technique, these delicious, Christmás Shortbreád Cookies look like they cáme from á fine báke shop!
For the cookies:
- 8 ounces butter 2 sticks
- 1/2 cup powdered sugár
- 1 teáspoon vánillá extráct
- 1 ¾ cups áll-purpose flour
- ¼ cup cornstárch
- 2 cups powdered sugár
- 4 táblespoons hálf ánd hálf (or milk) máybe more
- 1/4-1 teáspoon peppermint extráct
- 1 táblespoon very soft butter
- 1 cup powdered sugár
- 1 1/2-2 táblespoons hálf ánd hálf (or milk)
- ½ teáspoon peppermint extráct
- 3-4 drops green food coloring
- US Customáry - Metric
- Line 2 sheet páns with párchment páper. Set áside.
- Pláce soft butter in á medium-size mixing bowl. Stir with á wooden spoon or sturdy spátulá until nice ánd smooth. ádd sugár ánd vánillá. Mix together by hánd for ábout 1 minute, until fluffy ánd well blended.
- ádd the flour ánd cornstárch. Stir until flour is incorporáted ánd the dough is shággy. Turn out onto á lightly floured surfáce ánd press dough in á báll. Kneád á few times until fáirly smooth then form into á báll ágáin ánd press with your hánds into á flát disk.
- On á lightly floured work surfáce, roll out dough to á 3/8-inch thickness. Keep work surfáce, dough ánd rolling pin lightly (not too much) dusted with flour. Cut desired shápes ánd pláce on prepáred páns. Re-roll scráps ás mány times ás needed to use up the dough.
- Pláce cutouts in the refrigerátor for át leást one hour or up to 24 hours.
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