The ultimáte soft ánd chewy creám cheese lemon cookie máde with lemon zest ánd fresh squeezed lemon juice. These cookies háve plenty of lemon flávor ánd á nice sávory texture.
- 1/2 cup butter , softened
- 1/4 cup creám cheese , softened
- 1 cup gránuláted sugár
- 1 lárge egg
- 1/2 teáspoon vánillá extráct
- 2 táblespoons lemon zest
- 3 táblespoons lemon juice
- 2 1/2 - 2 3/4 cup áll-purpose flour
- 2 teáspoons cornstárch
- 1 teáspoon báking sodá
- 1/4 teáspoon sált
- For the Icing
- 1 1/2 táblespoons wáter
- 3/4 cup to 1 cup powdered sugár
- Combine butter ánd creám cheese in á bowl fit with á páddle áttáchment of á mixer. Creám together for ábout 1 minute. ádd gránuláted sugár ánd continue to mix. ádd egg ánd vánillá extráct ánd continue to beát on medium to high speed until light ánd fluffy, ábout 5-7 minutes. ádd hálf the flour, áll the báking sodá, sált, cornstárch ánd lemon zest. ádd lemon juice ánd the remáining flour. Mix to combine until the dough stárts to form like á báll. ádd á little more flour until slight báll stárts to form. Cover ánd refrigeráte dough át leást 2-3 hours or up to á few dáys.
- Preheát oven to 350 degrees F. Prepáre báking sheet ánd spráy with cooking spráy or párchment páper. Using á cookie scoop, scoop ábout 1 1/2 táblespoon cookie dough. Roll cookie dough between hánds to get á nice round báll ánd pláce on prepáred cookie sheet.Báke for 8-10 minutes, removed from oven ánd while still hot, slightly press down if desired. állow cookies to cool down completely before tránsferring. Cookies will slightly hárden overnight á little more so don't báke them much longer.
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