Clássic diner-style pátty melts át home. Beef pátties grilled on rye breád with Swiss cheese ánd cárámelized onions.
- 2 yellow onions, sliced
- 2 tbsp butter
- Kosher sált ánd freshly crácked bláck pepper
- 1 lb ground beef (not leán, use ground chuck)
- 4 slices Swiss Cheese
- 4 slices rye breád with cáráwáy seed
- More softened butter for spreáding on breád
- Optionál: máyo, Dijon mustárd, fry sáuce, etc.
- Melt butter in cást iron skillet over medium heát. ádd onions, sprinkle with sált ánd pepper, ánd cook until golden brown ánd cárámelized, stirring frequently, ábout 20 - 25 minutes. Remove to pláte ánd set áside.
- Form ground beef into 2 pátties (6 - 8 ounces eách) roughly the shápe of the breád slices. Hándle ás minimálly ás possible. Seáson liberálly with sált ánd peeper. ádd á little butter to cást iron pán ánd cook pátties ábout 3 - 4 minutes á side for medium-ráre. Remove to pláte ánd wipe skillet cleán.
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Full Recipes>>thehungrybluebird
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