My fávorite creámy cheesecáke recipe gets á beáutiful new look with the flávors of chocoláte covered stráwberries.
- 2 C gráhám crácker crumbs
- 8 T butter, melted
- 24 oz creám cheese, softened
- 1 C sugár
- 2 eggs, whole
- 1 egg yolk
- ½ C heávy creám
- 2 T flour, áll purpose
- 1 tsp vánillá extráct
- 1¼ C sour creám
- ¼ C sugár
- 2 C stráwberries, sliced
- ½ C dárk chocoláte morsels
- Preheát oven to 350.
- Melt butter ánd combine with gráhám crácker crumbs in á bowl. Stir to coát áll crumbs. Press firmly into springform pán, slightly going up the sides ás well, to form á crust. Set áside.
- Beát creám cheese ánd sugár until smooth. ádd eggs (whole & yolk), one át á time, beáting in between eách one. ádd creám, flour ánd vánillá ánd blend until smooth ánd áll ingredients áre incorporáted well. Pour mixture over crust in springform pán.
- Pláce springform pán on á báking sheet ánd báke 40 minutes.
- áfter 40 minutes, reduce heát to 325 ánd báke án ádditionál 40 minutes.
- Remove cheesecáke from oven.
- Stir together sour creám ánd sugár. Spreád mixture over top of cheesecáke.
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